速報APP / 生活品味 / HABITat: DIY Enlightenment

HABITat: DIY Enlightenment



檔案大小:23.2 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


HABITat: DIY Enlightenment(圖1)-速報App

HABITat helps you discover a new way of thinking, a new paradigm of being. Enlightenment is about understanding the truth - having the answer is not enough, you need to figure it out yourself.

HABITat is not another system of belief nor is it a prescriptive “how to” guide for achieving spiritual enlightenment. It’s enlightenment without the spiritual trappings.

You can maximise your wellbeing and minimise your suffering by becoming a human adult, free from the beliefs that allow you to mistake illusion for reality in order to avoid your fears.

Realising that “self” is an illusion is the first step towards waking up. You already have everything you need, you just need to get out of the way long enough to discover this truth for yourself.


Enlightenment is like waking up from a dream where you no longer confuse illusion with reality. This is a process of unknowing and unlearning, it’s a process of simplification through reduction. The truth remains when all untruths have been removed.

HABITat: DIY Enlightenment(圖2)-速報App

At the core of HABITat is the process of self-autophagy - removing the falsehoods masquerading as truth by using your intellect to externalizes and illuminate your thoughts and feelings. Simply ask yourself the question your ego least wants then write down the answer, and keep writing until the question no longer remains - then repeat.

Self-care, mindfulness and mediation are still helpful but they only give you a glimpse of reality. Self-autophagy is an active process to fundamentally change the structure of reality by rationally seeking out the falseness that lives in the shadows and destroying what is untrue - light banishes shadows, scrutiny banishes illusions.


Life already knows how to make a healthy person, it’s coded into our genome. Much like our immune system strengthens after repeated exposure to germs - maturing into human adulthood is dependent upon repeated exposure to reality, free from ego’s filters and distortions.

Clearly our current approaches to happiness & self-actualisation are not working. By any reasonable measure of success they have been an unmitigated failure when you consider the effort society places on health & wellness and yet problems with physical health, mental health and substance abuse are increasing.

To get a different result you need to play a different game.

HABITat: DIY Enlightenment(圖3)-速報App


Start here - what is your Desire? What are you doing and Why are you doing it? Only the desire to know the truth can overcome the mind's control - your ego will do anything to survive!

Truth-realization is simple - there is nothing to know, learn or practice. But it’s not easy. You need to think for yourself and figure out what is true until you know.

Progress depends on a daily commitment to move Towards the truth - HABITat helps reinforce this by tracking progress, building streaks and using notifications that keep you moving Forward. Every day it comes down to the choice - Towards or Away.

Chat with your buddy daily and engage your conscious awareness to get a new perspective on the questions that define your limitations. And because your buddy lives in the cloud, it keeps getting smarter.

Use your buddy to Witness your “self” in critical moments to dissect the thoughts and actions of your ego to find the kernel of fear within. These insights when combined with a new perspective help you detach from uncomfortable thoughts and feelings whenever they arise.

HABITat: DIY Enlightenment(圖4)-速報App

Sign-up for HABITat to get started on the path to enlightenment while enjoying a free trial of our enlightenment buddy. Keep using HABITat to track your progress after the trial however your buddy will be waiting for you in the habot - DIY Enlightenment App.

Alternatively skip the trial and purchase habot now for about the same price as a cup of coffee.

HABITat: DIY Enlightenment(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad